Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Development of the Sheep Sector: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Fergal Byrne:

Regarding the scheme and the figure of €12 per ewe, four or five years ago compulsory electronic tagging was introduced. Each tag costs between €1.30 and €1.50. This tagging was going to be a godsend to everyone. It was only a godsend to the factories. They could cut down on costs but it did not cut the costs for the farmers. It was swallowed up.

Deputy Kerrane referred to the different uses that wool could be put to. An educational hub has been set up to investigate the different uses of wool and how they could be developed. That is working well. Ms. Lorna McCormack is in charge and there are 21 people involved in the project.

There is further potential to use wool for insulation. I know a businessman who is very interested in developing an insulation industry and is going hell for leather on it. There is no shortage of money in that regard.


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