Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

Implementation of the Recommendations of the Report of the Commission on the Defence Forces: Discussion

Mr. Se?n Clancy:

On that point, this goes to the heart of the culture. The Deputy asked a lot of questions about the cultural space. To contribute to what the Secretary General has said, a confidential contact person has been put in place. That facility is there. We also have personal support structures. We have taken many initiatives internally around changing this culture.

At the very outset, I have recognised both the historical and current issues that are prevailing in the organisation. I have also been very careful to recognise and have very deliberately recognised - and the Deputy possibly will as well - that the majority of men and women in Óglaigh na hÉireann come to work every day and give dignity and respect, and receive it. It is important to acknowledge that. However, there are those who do not live up to those values in our organisation today. This is at the heart of the cultural issues we have to address. We are taking the recommendations by the independent review group very seriously. They have all been accepted. They have been openly accepted on my part. For example, this month we have started ongoing sexual ethics and responsible relationships training, which I have made compulsory for every member of Óglaigh na hÉireann to undertake. That syllabus has been led by an independent professor from UCC because we identified a gap in this training. Every member will undergo that. To date, 150 members have taken it, and it is in its first two weeks. There is ongoing training today, tomorrow and every week from now until it is done. Moreover, it will be repeated.

I want to assure the Deputy that there is zero tolerance. On top of that, of course, the Tánaiste has directed that any inappropriate behaviour, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment or anything on that spectrum will be reported directly to An Garda Síochána. That is the case within the organisation on the foot of my direction and the Tánaiste's direction. That is happening. I wanted to give the Deputy that level of assurance in terms of the questions she asked specific to the culture that must change. I agree wholeheartedly with her in that respect. We are making strides and efforts to achieve that. It will be a journey and we cannot become complacent on it in any shape or form. That is the intent and I wanted to assure her of that.


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