Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

National Disability Inclusion Strategy: Discussion

Ms Renee Dempsey-Clifford:

I am happy to answer. At least one of the questions was addressed to the NDA and obviously it will speak to that matter. I will take the questions in a slightly different order, if that is okay. Regarding the question on whether all groups and DPOs are covered in the DSG, the way in which the DSG was appointed was that a call for expressions of interest was advertised. Something in the order of 80 individuals, groups, or DPOs applied. A selection process was arranged, in which I was not involved because I am independent. That brought those numbers down to about 23 people. The terms of reference for the selection group, as I understand it, was to try to meet exactly the point made by the Deputy, which is that individuals with disabilities, parents of adult children with disabilities, advocates, academics and so on were captured. It would be a reasonable answer to say that it seems to be well captured. No doubt there would be criticisms from individuals who might feel that their disability is not there or whatever. These things are outside my immediate remit but it would be fair to say that of those who applied to be participants in the disability stakeholder group, DSG, the cross cutting of the disability community was reasonably well met. That was the target. Certainly on the committee itself, there are some DPOs, some service providers and indeed a number of individuals with personal disabilities who participate and have the expertise of the lived experience.

On the question about why the NDIS was not extended, I do not know is the quickest way I can put it. I am not speaking for the DSG when I say this but continuing it would have enabled the continuing monitoring of the strategy to be facilitated. Indeed, I said in my statement, which was approved by the DSG - it is not my spontaneity here but is very much an authorised statement - that it clearly believes that perpetuation of the old strategy would have enabled it to continue in its voluntary role. Bearing in mind that the term of appointment is three years and we are in the second half of the second year already, it is saying it is a case of spinning our wheels. The job we volunteered to do, namely, monitoring, is absent. Of course, the job of contributing to the development of the next strategy is not absent. We are working in that direction. The group is not idle. It is just that the monitoring role, which it sees as identifying the delivery and the forward movement, is now no longer there. That is regretted, as has been made clear at other meetings as well as in this forum.

On the question of the optional protocol, with absolute respect Deputy I have to say that it is not a question that the DSG addressed, so I cannot answer on behalf of the DSG, although I hear the points the Deputy made.


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