Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Water Quality Monitoring Report: Discussion

Ms Mary Gurrie:

It is in or around 800, which covers some of the intensive agriculture sites, pharmaceuticals, power stations, waste facilities and landfills. We have an inspection and enforcement regime and we take sanctions, where necessary, from issuing compliance notices up to and including prosecutions. Every quarter, we publish what is called a priority sites list, which is a list of the worst performers. It is a kind of name-and-shame approach but it is also to encourage compliance. It has been very successful in getting companies to invest in advance, put in the measures required to get themselves off the list or take action and make investments to improve their compliance. There is a lot of focus on the industrial sites. They get inspected regularly and they have to comply with a licence as well.

Everybody has a role to play in water quality. The highlight and focus today is agriculture because of the report and the Commission's requirements, but there are a range of pressures on water quality. All of them - septic tanks, wastewater, forestry, peat and the full spectrum of urban area run-offs - will need to be addressed in order to improve our water quality.


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