Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Defective Block Scheme Regulations and Review of IS 465: Discussion

Ms Martina Hegarty:

Right now, we are in a situation where we do not understand what percentage of a scheme it is. Homeowners have just received the updated square foot or square metre rates associated with rebuilding a home. The Government is offering the homeowners a pot of money, which is supposed to be used by them to rebuild. Looking at the square foot rates that have been provided by the SCSI in particular, the SCSI was under strict terms of reference in relation to rebuilding a home as if it was to be rebuilt in 2007. The reality is none of us can find materials that were available in 2007. The cost of sourcing materials, labour and pretty much everything imaginable to build a home has increased and changed. The terms of reference restricted SCSI in relation to what it can offer as a basic rebuild cost for a home, as Ms Coulter mentioned. Even if we were to rebuild like for like, many of us have upgraded our homes and have homes that were built after 2007. We are not, therefore, in a situation where we can rebuild like for like which is what the scheme is basically asking us to do and provides for.

Last week's meeting of the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach gave great insights into the amount of funding that is taken from the €420,000 cap prior to putting down one block. The €25,000 grant will be gone, whether that is on rent, storage or patch works on the house, depending on the level of degradation. Then there is VAT and engineers fees of up to €18,000. Up to €100,000 will be taken from the money available under the scheme before a homeowner can do anything.

The other huge challenge is the availability of builders. Some homeowners are moving to try to rebuild their homes in Mayo.


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