Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Update on New National Children’s Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board

Mr. David Gunning:

Follow the money.

As a data point, when we presented to the committee last year, the total number of notified claims raised was 1,623. We have gone up by 552 claims in the intervening period to 2,175. The public works contract, which is the contract we use, has quite a low threshold of claims over €500. If the contractor feels it has an entitlement to either time or money, that is, a delay event or compensation event of the order of €500, it can raise a claim and it does, so we have a large number of claims. Getting into the materiality, 16 claims of the 2,000 account for 76% of the money. Of the €756 million, 16 claims account for €573 million. That is where-----


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