Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Update on New National Children’s Hospital: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board

Mr. Phelim Devine:

The physical works are well advanced, but that is why we are talking now about room completions. In every hospital project you can have a programme but you have to complete rooms and complete areas before you can do the final building commissioning. Building commissioning is balancing the air systems, checking all the electrical systems, and checking the data points for all the computers and ICT from point to point back to the IT rooms. It is commissioning all the boilers and all that kind of stuff. That happens generally in the last year of the project. That has just started. We are about 5% into commissioning and we have a good length of time to complete that out. That is the last thing that gets done up to substantial completion. There is system commissioning, where you are commissioning the air handling and ventilation system or the electrical system, and then in the last four months, typically on a large project of this scale, you have the integrated commissioning, which is all the software integration. It is when a guy makes sure it is all connected and working.


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