Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs

EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans: Discussion

Mr. Miroslav Laj?k:

I fully agree with the Cathaoirleach. I see his point and understand his fears. My bottom line is that the current approach does not work and, therefore, we probably need to have a serious discussion among ourselves. Maybe it could be within our member states and then at European level, but at the senior political of Heads of State and Government, we must ask how we are going to address the issue of enlargement in the five years after the next European elections.

As I said, we are losing the region. We take it for granted these states will be on our side when it comes to migration, the fight against terrorism or energy issues. However, this cannot be taken for granted. If we lose the pro-European forces such that the Balkans are working against us and not automatically with us, then we have a problem. They must meet the criteria and there should be no discount, but it is also a reality that they are far from meeting the criteria, to be honest and open about it. Thus, there is no way back. We must find a way forward. What is happening in the meantime is an exodus of young people. Students in universities dream only of finding a job in the EU and three out of four do not see their future in their own countries. That is not the future we want to see for the Balkans. We need to give these people a future and a hope they can realise their professional and personal dreams in their own countries. That is in our hands.

This is the moment for serious reflection. It is 20 years since Thessaloniki. The results in the context of implementing the promises given then are very poor. It should be a good opportunity to reflect so we know what we actually want. Keeping the ball rolling without knowing when and how it should end has been the situation there for too many years and we need to be clear among ourselves and with our partners in the western Balkans. Ireland can play a constructive role in this discussion.

I again thank the committee for having me and for giving of its time. I could see members but, unfortunately, they could not see me. I am grateful for the discussion and for having had the opportunity to listen to their views.


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