Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Consolidation in Horticultural Grower Numbers: Discussion

Ms Niamh Brennan:

A similar question was asked earlier. I do not have the figure for the exact acreage to hand but it has probably not contracted a whole amount. The point is that we have lost family farms as a result. Smaller growers have exited production and other growers have scaled up as a result. We have lost a number of small family farms because of this situation, which had to take place. Teagasc’s latest report in March stated that, in acreage terms, a 7% reduction in field vegetable production was anticipated for this year. We have not seen that steep decline in acreage to date but we will definitely see it, given how we have such a small critical mass. If any more growers go out of business, the acreage will suffer.


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