Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Decarbonisation of the Heat Sector: Discussion (Resumed)

Dr. David Connolly:

Off the top my head, and I would have to check with some of the members, but we are probably talking about 150 of these communal schemes in the country. I would imagine that at least half of them, if not more, are probably in areas that have waste heat very close by. These are only off the top of my head and are indicative numbers, but there are huge possibilities. I am not sure about the particular site the Deputy referred to. However, as a general solution to the problem, I would be astonished if the vast majority of those types of schemes would not be. I say this because they tend to be large apartment complexes by their nature and they tend to be in high density urban environments anyway. As an enduring solution, I would be confident in saying that there should be solutions available nearby that would showcase waste heat or some kind of renewable heat centre.


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