Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

High-Level Action Plan for the Report of the Commission on the Defence Forces: Discussion

Ms Julie Sinnamon:

I will ask some of my colleagues to come up with a specific example while I go on with the other questions. While we have focused on 38 early actions, between 40 and 50 actions have been progressed, not all of them just early actions. On further evaluation, this means that a recommendation requires further discussion with key stakeholders and that it has to be examined in the context of resources, policy issues, financial considerations and legislation. A range of things impacted the recommendations for which further evaluation is required in order to understand their knock-on implications. A decision on implementation is to be considered after that further evaluation. The commission did not have the full resources to do all of that for every recommendation. It will come back. From my discussions with the implementation group and steering group, "revert" does not mean they have been rejected. It is proposed to revert to the Government at a later stage regarding those recommendations. They need further work and they will have to go back to the Government. They have not been accepted or accepted in principle at this stage, and they will go back to the Government. As the implementation group chair, all of the 130 recommendations will have to be progressed or decisions made on them if they are not progressed. They will go back to the Government.


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