Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Employment Strategy and Impact on Disabled Persons in the Workplace: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Christabelle Feeney:

A good example is that the Public Appointments Service recently advertised some clerical officer roles. We have done a good bit of work with the service, in fairness, and I have done a good bit of training with staff internally. Prior to that, for clerical appointment roles it always used testing, like psychometric testing. It actually removed that. That was one of the first times that had happened, so there are changes being made. It comes back to the outward communication of what they are doing. There are lots of companies doing things but they may not be as effective at outwardly communicating it. That comes back to that confidence building for people to share that they have a disability. One of the things we always say to companies is that they have to welcome reasonable accommodations and provide opportunities to share at every stage from the job spec to the shortlisting to the interview to the onboarding into the job. It should be everywhere within the organisation. Companies are obliged to do that under the Equality Acts but they do not seem to understand that a lot of the time. There was research carried out by, I think, Ability Focus, by Stephen Kelly, on the number of organisations that included a reasonable accommodation on their job advertisement and it was very close to 0%. Again, it is about getting organisations to understand their legislative obligations as well.


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