Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

General Scheme of the Research and Innovation Bill 2023: Discussion

Ms Annette Dolan:

The Teachers Union of Ireland, which represents academics including researchers in institutes of technology and technological universities, welcomes the opportunity to suggest changes to the research and innovation Bill 2023. While the proposal to form a single new agency to replace SFI and IRC is welcome, significant additional funding for research is required. Funding for research and development in Ireland falls well below the EU 27 average of 2.32% of GDP and is just above half of this at 1.23%. The proposed new agency, research and innovation Ireland, should support research from the bottom up, supporting researchers from all disciplines and at all stages of their careers. Research simply cannot happen without researchers. However, in the sector TUI represents, there is an unacceptable level of precarious contracts with inferior terms and conditions of employment. Our longstanding claim for pensions for researchers has not yet been sanctioned.

We recommend an elaboration of the definition of research in head 3, with the following addition to encompass research: "...across the spectrum of Arts, Engineering, Humanities, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology, having regard for the terms and conditions of employment, remuneration, superannuation and career path of those so engaged."

TUI recommends the inclusion of additional objectives under head 8 including an objective "to promote and support balanced regional development of research and innovation" and an objective "to promote and support the value and necessity of research to society and the economy and the need for appropriate support and reward at all career stages of those engaged in research". Under head 8(b) we recommend the insertion of the term "sustainability" before "development" to emphasise the urgency of the need to address sustainability. Under head 8(e) we recommend the following amendment to comprehend the diverse range of research types, methods and research within the sector: "to promote parity of esteem, advance and facilitate equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion in research and innovation". The use of the term "oriented basic research" in head 8(f) is unnecessarily restrictive. We suggest that the term "applied research" be added or that both terms be replaced by the generic term "research". We also recommend that the word "sustainability" be added to the phrase "future development and competitiveness in the State". In addition, we suggest a further objective "to protect and promote the principle of academic freedom".

TUI recommends a number of amendments to head 9, including reference to developing an effective researcher, including academic staff, career development framework with the addition of the following to the end of head 9(d), "having due regard to the employment rights and opportunities for lecturing staff". We also recommended the additions of the following functions to head 9. The first is to "promote the attractiveness of research as a valued and viable career having due regard to the security and continuity of employment, the terms and conditions, remuneration and superannuation of researchers". The second is "for value in and of itself, as well as alignment with EU policy, which is to promote the inclusion of citizens in research co-design and delivery". The third is to "minimise the bureaucratic and administrative burden attendant to applications for funding". The fourth is to "support balanced regional development of research and innovation". The fifth is to "provide specific support to the development of the technological sector having due regard to the importance of research in the functions of a Technological University as ... [set] out in the Technological Universities Act 2018 and the role of Institutes of Technology and Technological Universities in civic and cultural life and in the development of business and enterprise at a local, regional and national level". In addition, we recommend amending head 9(k) by read "to promote parity of esteem and support equality, diversity and inclusion in research and innovation; design and delivery".

We recommend that there should be a transparent process in the selection of the board in head 15. We also recommend that membership of the board in section 15(3) should include provision for the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, ICTU, to have nominating rights for one of the 11 board members.

We recommend that head 28(3)(c) should specifically include a reference to consultation with higher education institutions, HEIs, researchers and citizens. It should also explicitly have regard to EU research policy and priorities. We recommend that a reference to the requirement for broader consultation with HEIs, researchers and citizens be included in head 29.

The proposed Bill is a great opportunity to enable Ireland to be at the centre of research internationally, but in order to achieve that, we need to ensure adequate investment and attractive contracts are available to researchers.


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