Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

The Future of STEM in Irish Education: Discussion (Resumed).

Photo of Mairead FarrellMairead Farrell (Galway West, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I find that very interesting. I have only one minute left so I can only ask one more question. It is in respect of QQI, mathematics and people who have the opportunity to gain the mathematical foundations required for STEM programmes so that they do not have to go back to secondary school. I am interested in the size of the take-up, which has been relatively low, as Dr. Cullen has mentioned. I live in a Gaeltacht constituency and many people have to return there to study Irish. This is something that has been raised with me in respect of the maths aspect. People feel it has not been very well publicised. There was a period of time - it may well have changed at this point - where this was facilitated through Trinity College Dublin. One would go to the website where it would continue to bring one around in circles. How is the promotion of this subject going and how does QQI feel that it could promote maths in a greater way to increase the uptake?


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