Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Recycling Farm Plastics: Discussion

Ms Bernie Kiely:

We do not know whether that plastic continues to have silage in it. It could well still be in that stage of its life cycle and is still in active use. We do not know that. We do not have any evidence that there is a problem with plastic on farms being stockpiled. The local authorities are providing that enforcement piece around the permitted storage sites. They do their job. They are going about their business. As Mr. Moloney described, they have a compliance officer on the payroll in the scheme and part of his job is to work with contractors to ensure compliance in farmyards. All the evidence suggests that things are working to a very high degree of success. We think it operates well and provides a good service.


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