Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Recycling Farm Plastics: Discussion

Mr. Liam Moloney:

As Ms Kiely mentioned, we go through a rigorous approval renewal process every five years. This is a big body of work. It initially involves us submitting an application where we highlight all the operational achievements of the previous five years and the corporate governance structures in place. We then map our plans and strategy for the coming five years.

After that, the application is submitted to the Department, we engage with the Department, there are meetings and discussions. Eventually, all going well, our approval is renewed. In addition, we have regular meetings with the Department once, twice or three times a year. Every year, we must also get a detailed operations report in to the Department, as well as audited accounts for the previous year. Therefore, there is constant contact with the Department. The Minister approves our approval or licence, and we must constantly not only provide information to the Department with regard to how we are operating and our finances, but we must also make this information available to the general public through our website.


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