Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Committee on Public Petitions

Press Council of Ireland and Office of the Press Ombudsman Annual Report 2021: Press Ombudsman

Ms Susan McKay:

I would like to have more resources to do outreach. As I mentioned in the submission, I find it frustrating that quite a few complaints are made to my office that are not suitable for the office. It is regrettable that people are putting a lot of effort and energy into making complaints which will never be followed through. Therefore, I would like more resources to make the office better known. It is not sufficiently well-known. I am not sure people understand that a good complaints process is available to them. All the newspapers have complaints processes but if people are still frustrated, there is an independent office. Many people also do not understand that we are independent. The office needs to be funded, but considerable thought will need to be given to how that should be done. It is not something the Government can do directly as that would jeopardise people's confidence in the independence of the Press Council.


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