Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Implementation of Sláintecare Reforms: Department of Health and HSE

Mr. Robert Watt:

There is a strategic focus on all the fundamental issues of capacity and reform, and ensuring improved patient flow. Of course, when a crisis hits then it must be managed, which means there is an element of micromanaging the emergency. The Deputy is correct that there is always a danger within any system that is under constant pressure that the people who are in the trenches so much do not have an opportunity to stand up and see the horizon. I do not think that is the case with Sláintecare delivery. In the reforms we are putting in place we are addressing the immediate needs of large numbers of people within our system who are looking for treatment, while at the same time building resilience and putting in place longer lasting reforms that increase capacity.

The Deputy has identified a critical problem within any system in terms of the numbers of people who use the system every year. Every week accident and emergency units have, on average, 28,000 presentations and more than 7,000 admissions. In that component alone there is a large demand but Mr. Gloster and his team must keep the system going and improve it while putting in place longer-term strategic changes, which will in the future deliver better outcomes.


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