Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

Update on Civil Defence: Discussion

Mr. Dennis Keeley:

I wish to broaden the discussion a little in the context of a number of questions that were asked about international responses and best practice. At a local level, a number of Civil Defence units engage in supporting training under the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism as instructors, assistants and course designers. That necessitates international participants either coming to Ireland to engage in training or people from Ireland going abroad to support that training. A number of Civil Defence personnel have been involved in that practice.

A range of countries have a strong ethos of volunteerism and Ireland's Civil Defence is in a strong and well-placed position in that regard. We have learned a lot from other agencies, including Technisches Hilfswerk or THW, a German organisation with in excess of 100,000 volunteers and more than 400 full-time personnel. It specialises in technical rescue and technical communications. It also has a long and proud tradition of international response. I contend that the Irish Civil Defence has taught THW a thing or two as well; it works both ways. There is a strong exchange of ideas and partnerships have evolved in that space and that has been very positive for Ireland and the members of the Civil Defence. That permeates down throughout the country in terms of those discussions and learnings. A lot of the Civil Defence volunteers are geeks in the area. They are passionate about the work they get involved in and will talk for hours about a certain radio, a certain mechanism for response or piece of equipment. They cannot help but cross pollinate that really useful information.


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