Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media

Registration of Short-Term Tourist Letting Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Derek Nolan:

The great thing the Deputy pointed out is that, of our listings, it is a whole range of events. Of any figure, it is people sharing their own home, a granny flat, and all of those different pieces. One of the great things about being before the committee talking about registration is that registration is the key to all of those answers in every country we work with legislators on short-term rental policy. It will give data on how many nights people are staying in properties and where they are to give a better sense of the market in specific areas. That is why we have always been and are to this day very big supporters of registration, and getting registration right is a good thing, because it will give that information and the whole picture of the entire industry, because it is not just Airbnb operating in this market. There is Expedia, VRBO and many other players. Getting that sense of the whole market will give that information policymakers are looking for.


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