Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media

Registration of Short-Term Tourist Letting Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Solveig Mayer:

I thank the Senator for the question. What would be very helpful is for all of those involved to keep talking to one another. The Senator just referred to the situation with the Departments. It would be really helpful to get the registration scheme set up in line with EU legislation. That is a concern we have and that was made clear. There are conversations ongoing between Fáilte Ireland and the European Commission on that and we hope it will be sorted out.

It is really important to get data to enable local authorities to enforce properly. We need data to get the right picture, to see who is in the market and what are the figures. We are lacking data here. Having listened to various statements here today, it is clear there is a lack of data. We see that in other European countries as well. It is a problem everywhere, especially in the short-term rental market. We are producing data and there are third party research institutes that are also producing data but we need this database at a European level and at an Irish level in order to be able to make proper decisions and regulations.

If we do not have clarity it will be difficult to make sound decisions to cater for tourism but also for the existing housing crisis.


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