Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media

Registration of Short-Term Tourist Letting Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Zak Murtagh:

I will turn first to our recommendations in respect of providing certificates of compliance with planning permission for properties to be eligible. We recognise the discussion between planning permission in urban areas, rural areas and outside rent pressure zones. However, the fact is that previous registers have been in existence prior to the one being proposed now and there have always been regulatory requirements around this. Those in respect of planning permission exist for a reason.

The associate regulations that go along with that under the tourist traffic Acts essentially relate to the treatment not just of people who wish to be on the new register now but also in respect of the previous registers that have existed. We are conscious of potential different treatment occurring at this stage for the different kinds of people providing tourist accommodation in the country and the associate requirements that go along with that. Essentially, these relate to duties such as requirements to display room charges in premises as well as in online advertisements. In respect of the whole registry architecture that is in place, we feel that, at this stage, if a loose approach is taken to having to qualify for planning permission, there is a risk it will become readily available and probably too easy for properties to qualify as short-term lets. From our perspective, that could result in fewer properties returning to the long-term rental market.

On the Deputy's second point regarding the financial sanctions that will be in place under the Bill, we are emphasising here that the forthcoming Bill provides for quite significant penalisation of proprietors if they act in contravention of the Bill. We are simply saying that for the same level of compliance to be gained from the platforms, the monetary figure of €5,000 for a maximum fine that can be levied against them is completely insignificant in comparison with their turnover figures. Essentially, we want that to be revised in order for it to be given teeth and for it to be realistic in ensuring compliance.


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