Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

General Scheme of the Planning and Development Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Charlotte Sheridan:

We very much appreciated the opportunity to participate in the planning advisory forum. As a mechanism, we felt that it would have been a useful means to have good discussion. We received presentations at the time. We were given good information in advance of meetings and the high-level questions were posed to us. There were opportunities to make further submissions to the forum. We understand as well that there was very significant input being given from the Attorney General and his office in relation to the responses from the forum but that was informing what they were doing.

Absolutely, it is important too that we are representative. From our own organisation's point of view, we represent 4,000 members. It is a broad church of people. I suppose the profile of the participants is an important thing to look at as well, and to what extent, and whom, are we representing.

We would say that the Bill is very long. There is a lot to take in and, I suppose, with a limited period of time to do that. We would hope to look in detail at various elements and aspects that we could positively contribute to.


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