Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Public Accounts Committee

2020 Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General - Chapter 14: Assessment and Collection of Insurance Compensation Fund Levies
Report on Administration and Movement of the Insurance Compensation Fund for the year ended 31 December 2021
Comptroller and Auditor General Section 2 Report on Unauthorised release of funds from the Central Fund of the Exchequer

9:30 am

Photo of Brian StanleyBrian Stanley (Laois-Offaly, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

The committee has met in private session and we feel the situation is totally unsatisfactory as we are not getting to deal with the items on the agenda: the Report on the Accounts of the Public Services 2020 - Chapter 14: Assessment and Collection of Insurance Compensation Fund Levies; the Report on Administration and Movement of the Insurance Compensation Fund for the year ended 31 December 2021; and the Comptroller and Auditor General section 2 report, Unauthorised release of funds from the Central Fund of the Exchequer. We have decided we are rescheduling the meeting with the Central Bank and the Department of Finance. We will issue a letter in the coming days to invite the Secretary General of the Department to the next meeting. If there is a problem with the date, we would ask him to revert to the committee secretariat within the next five working days. The date on which we are setting to have the Secretary General in is 27 April. A similar letter will go to the Central Bank to invite the Governor, Mr. Makhlouf, to that meeting. Our guests from the Central Bank will convey the contents of today's meeting back to him. We will also request the Revenue Commissioners to come back on that date. I ask everybody to revert back as quickly as possible to the secretariat of the committee and inform us if that date is suitable.


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