Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Select Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Estimates for Public Services 2023
Vote 13 - Office of Public Works (Revised)

Photo of Patrick O'DonovanPatrick O'Donovan (Limerick County, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I asked the county council if it was satisfied with the level of resources it had from OPW support when I was there last year and it made it clear that it was. It was leading most of the CFRAM delivery in County Donegal, with the exception of one, which I think is in Burnfoot, which we are leading ourselves. We know that Donegal is a highly vulnerable county. So are Galway, Mayo and Kerry. The whole coastline is vulnerable. The Deputy is absolutely right that no scheme will protect all of the communities all of the time, no matter whether it is completed or to be completed, because some events will happen that are never legislated for in the scheme itself. There will be towns that will have completed flood relief or coastal relief schemes that will continue to flood. It is the context of how much they flood and the scale at which the sea level rises which none of us at the committee will be able to predict. What we will be able to predict-----


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