Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Committee on Budgetary Oversight

Report of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Ger Gibbons:

I will pick up on Mr. McDonnell's and Mr. Nugent's points. In our opening remarks, we made reference to the directive on adequate minimum wages. We think that establishes, or seeks to establish, a framework for achieving an adequate minimum wage over an unspecified period. It is not in one year but it would be over a multi-year period.

This is the key point, however. It is a framework that could possibly be useful for achieving adequate social protection rates. It talks about achieving an adequate minimum wage and says this should be done with the consultation and involvement of employers, trade unions and key stakeholders. Therefore, there is a framework.

The Government is just now beginning to talk about transposing that legislation. Discussions will have to take place with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, ICTU, IBEC, anti-poverty groups, the National Women's Council of Ireland and a whole range of other groups. There is a framework that could be of relevance to what we are discussing here.

We did not address the jobs guarantee in our submission. As far as I am aware, ICTU has not taken a formal position on it yet.


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