Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Forestry Policy and Strategy (Resumed): Discussion

Mr. Mike Glennon:

We will take some of the questions and let them fall between us. Deputy Fitzmaurice's comment is really well made about the infrastructure of the contractors and hauliers. They went through a really difficult time during the felling licence issue because we survived by paying extra for logs from Scotland, but that did not help the harvesters in the forest. It helped some of the haulage from the port but the harvesting and haulage infrastructure in the forestry sector is on its knees. The biggest fear we have is, by the time we get all the licences through, they will be gone. We will have the licences and nobody to do the work. That point is very well made and very valid.

With regard to the Deputy's comment on the inventory, there are reasonably good inventories but the concern we have is that we had a really good inventory and then the bombshell landed that we could not get felling licences. It is this thought-through process. The logs were definitely there but we could not get felling licences for them, so it did not make any difference. The supply chain from licences through forest to sawmill gate is not working correctly and that needs to be addressed. There is reasonably good work on the basic of forests that were put there in the past, but the supply chain is where the issue is.


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