Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Employment Strategy and Impact on Disabled Persons in the Workplace: Discussion

Ms Anna Shakespeare:

There is a golden thread, a repeated message, on how to engage with employers, through the research, practical experience and the evaluation of some of the practical programmes that have been funded by the Government. Some of the learning is about offering employers incentives, including tax incentives, to hire people with disabilities in roles with no minimum-hour requirement. This is certainly a key finding from the Ability programme. A national media campaign is needed to raise and increase awareness of the benefits of employing people with disabilities. There are many nodding heads on this side of the table and the other.

Employer quality assurance or benchmarking should be considered regarding the Deputy's point on corporate social responsibility. Is there something this committee might recommend to the Government on an employer quality assurance mark, accreditation mark or benchmark to show commitment to employing people with a disability or to serve as a badge for employers to show the wider community they are ethical employers? This is an area of increasing value that could be leveraged in both the public and private sectors. I certainly believe there are many things that can be done and that could be driven through the work of this committee.


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