Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Committee on Public Petitions

Office of the Ombudsman Annual Report 2021: Office of the Ombudsman

Mr. Ger Deering:

As the Chair mentioned, complaints rose in 2022 but they had dropped off considerably so overall the number of complaints stayed the same. We got access to direct provision before Covid, but then it changed a little during Covid. We firmly believe that conditions improved. As time went on, the complaints we received were less serious. As in many other areas, some of the more serious complaints we dealt with at the beginning were fed back into the system and the centres very much improved what they wanted to do. We all wanted to see an end to direct provision. That was the plan and it is where we are going but the world has been a very different place in the past year compared with when those commitments were made. Our commitment at the moment is to ensure that what is currently happening does not dilute the standards. The complaints we are currently getting in respect of direct provision do not indicate there is a lowering of standards. I visited a centre this year to meet a complainant. A family was unnecessarily being separated and segregated. I met with the family and the centre staff and we then spoke to the International Protection Accommodation Services and the people concerned and got a resolution. Again, it is about the fact that we get co-operation. We are conscious that the people running those services are in an extraordinary situation at the moment in terms of trying to provide accommodation not just for refugees and asylum seekers coming through the international protection system but also for Ukrainian refugees. We have to show understanding in the context of trying to find solutions to unprecedented developments in an emergency situation.


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