Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Committee on Budgetary Oversight

Report of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Ian Talbot:

Deputy Healy-Rae is right. Being in business on your own is a very tough place to be. There are a lot of costs and people are hopelessly limited in the time they have available. I think I am right in saying the report recommends the extra 3% tax on self-employed people should go and that the income tax rate should be equalised across the board. That is a recommendation we would certainly support. It goes back to the conversation we have been having about what more we can do to train, educate and improve businesses, help them digitalise and free up time for them to do this stuff. That is the real challenge. So many small businesses or sole traders are just running. They are on that spinning wheel the whole time and they just need to find opportunities and advice on how to get off it to improve their businesses. It is a real challenge. It goes back to the things we talked about like training vouchers, proper use of the National Training Fund and providing information on what is there. All these things will contribute and help people get that time out to do something for their business.


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