Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Decongregation of Mental Health Settings: Mental Health Commission

Mr. John Farrelly:

My kids, like most people's kids, do not stay at home. They move, say, from the north side to the south side of Dublin city. I agree. One issue we come across relates to the different systems. GPs have a better system to know who people are than our health service for vulnerable groups. A lot of information is missing.

One point I try to make, which is a difficult one to make, is that I really want us to ensure we have money for mental illness. A load of money is put out for different projects and that is fine, whether to prevent mental illness or to keep people feeling well and happy, but the money should be going to where the most vulnerable people are. We cannot track where the money goes in the HSE. We are not sure what is happening there with that but, from our work to date, it is definitely not being put in the correct way to the people who need it most.


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