Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Enforcement of Court Orders relating to Child Maintenance, Access and Custody: Discussion

Ms Stephanie Whyte:

In addition to that, we must gain an increased understanding of the impact and dynamics of coercive control, what it looks like and how it plays out in family courts and circumstances of parental separation. It can be very difficult to spot it and understand it. Sometimes an abusive, controlling parent can influence what a child says, how the other parent is perceived and how the child presents himself or herself in court. We made a point earlier that the entire court system is alien, formal, intimidating, scary and confusing. If you add in a layer of coercive control, vulnerable groups' feelings of fear and lack of self-esteem play out and the children's right to access to both parents gets lost. It is really important to add that.


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