Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

EU Nature Restoration Target and General Scheme of the Veterinary Medicinal Products, Medicated Feed and Fertilisers Regulation Bill 2022: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Vincent Roddy:

To answer Deputy Fitzmaurice, we will try to cover all of the questions if we can. Regarding the Minister, Deputy Ryan, and the question on phase one, as Ms O'Sullivan said, our understanding would be the sectoral target in the LULUCF. We are looking at mapping and assessing peat soils. I know Teagasc is currently doing so also. This is a requirement under Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition, GAEC, 2. We had a big battle on that a year ago because, as Mr. Condon referred to, there were proposals at EU level under CAP to take away the agricultural activity on peat soils. I thank all of the members who supported that campaign. We got it turned around.

On the Life projects - I know there is a Burren Life project - there are some and they are very good. We were asked by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, NPWS, to support an application for a Burren-like scheme, the one referred to, I think, in the west and north west. We were happy to support that because the Burren is quite popular. When we saw the detail of the proposal when it came out, we withdrew our support because, as was said, it talks about rewetting of peatlands and a number of other things. Although I know some farmers have done quite well out of it, the other big issue with that particular scheme is the proportion of money that goes to the scheme on administration and environmentalists, as opposed to the money that is going to the farmers. I think it is €25 million but I could be wrong. Out of €25 million in total, I think there is something like only €3 million or €4 million going to farmers. We have problems around that. I could be wrong on those exact figures.

On the 20% from the State, that is a big issue. If the State cannot-----


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