Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality

Recommendations of the Report of the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Pauline O'Hare:

Absolutely. Dr. McGann might speak about that also. The point we want to make is that there needs to be balance. There are cost concerns on the employer side.

Let me refer to an issue I was asked about that I do not believe I addressed. I was asked about our view on the four-day working week. With regard to its being a flexible working arrangement, we need to examine whether the arrangement suits each role. Many sectors do not lend themselves to four-day working weeks. If it is granted, there is a knock-on cost, giving rise to the question of who is present on the fifth day. There is the question of the increase in headcount. Again, one must consider this in terms of the cumulative cost.


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