Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Joint Meeting with Joint Committee on Autism
Accessibility in the Built Environment, Information and Communication: Discussion

Dr. Aideen Hartney:

I thank Deputy Collins for her questions. On local authorities and guidance on how to improve performance in public buildings, one of the projects we have under way at the moment is the development of a code of practice for accessible public buildings. In our process to develop that we are taking a very consultative approach, which speaks to some of the points the Deputy made about how to encompass the full range of experience without diminishing the needs of individual groups. The code of practice will talk about how to maximise accessibility and then it will be broken down into what might be necessary for people with autism or for people with visual impairment, for example, on making sure Irish Sign Language, ISL, interpreters are available for those who are deaf and so on. It will provide some guidance for the individual requirements but also talk about accessibility as a universal concept. That is just one example of how we approach it.

Local authorities do not tend to come directly to us but what we do is make submissions to, and offer advice on, the local development plans when they come up for consultation. We are always available to offer advice. In terms of the staffing competencies we need to deliver on that advice, when the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design was established 17 years ago, it was established with Dr. Craddock as the chief officer, with three advisers underneath him. It has not expanded since then. The centre has done significant work in promoting an awareness of the concept of universal design and the fact that we are talking about it here today is testament to that. What is needed to turn the concept into implementation is technical guidance on how to break that down in the various domain areas. We would need technical competency in architecture and built environment skills as well as in areas such as ICT, such as what Dr. Fitzpatrick brings to the table, communications and product design. The aim is to build that so we can work with more bodies to help them on their implementation journey. That is what is required but we are not an enforcement body. We are an advisory body and our key strength is offering guidance that is grounded in practical and evidence-based research.


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