Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

National Broadband Plan Update: National Broadband Ireland

Mr. Peter Hendrick:

I thank the committee for the invitation to meet with it again and the opportunity to provide a progress update on the work of National Broadband Ireland in rolling out the national broadband plan. Since we last met the committee, significant progress has been made and I am glad to be able to tell members that we are gaining real momentum in delivering the project. As committee members know, we have agreed revised targets with the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications and we are committed to delivering more than 102,000 premises passed by the end of January 2023. Today we have 330,000 premises surveyed, which is 60% of the entire intervention area, and detailed designs for 313,000 premises are complete. These activities, which are vital precursors to the main build, are continuing at pace, and are now ahead of profile. On average we are building for between 7,000 and 10,000 premises each month with stability and predictability across the programme.

There are 182,000 premises where build works have either commenced or been completed, which we see as a leading indicator of progress and project momentum. At the end of June, that is tomorrow, the number of premises passed will be 63,652 and there will be more than 74,000 premises where the network is fully built. Nationally 636 broadband connection points, including 359 primary schools, have been installed. With regard to the most remote areas in Ireland, since our last engagement with the committee, NBI has progressed our fibre build activity on six islands off Mayo and Donegal. We will further advance island connectivity and build off Cork later this year.

Since January, we have added 300 additional workers to the project, a 25% increase, bringing total employment on the national broadband programme to more than 1,500 skilled workers. Importantly, 98% of this additional resource has been recruited to support build works. This includes the addition of a new build partner earlier this month, as Gaeltec Utilities Limited from Kilkenny joined us, bringing a wealth of experience in rural construction. With the addition of a further build partner, we anticipate build being under way for more than 40% of the entire intervention area by the end of the year.

With regard to demand for services on the NBI network, we have already connected 14,200 premises, or more than 22% of the premises we have passed. While it is still early days in the deployment, in those deployment areas where the service has been available for more than six months take-up rates have reached more than 30%. This initial indicator of demand for the network is surpassing anything we have ever seen in Ireland when compared to commercial roll-outs and in comparison to other international projects. We now have 56 retail service providers partnered with NBI to sell gigabit fibre products and services on the network. NBI's commitment to excellence in customer service and our best-in-class network allow service providers to integrate with our systems at unprecedented speeds. This is absolutely key to NBI's success as an open access wholesale provider.

The national broadband plan is addressing a digital divide between rural and urban regions. Recent research from EY, commissioned by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, shows that an increase in high-speed broadband services will underpin significant economic, individual and societal benefits. Key enterprise sectors such as agriculture and hospitality will see new economic opportunities opened for them, while assisting the Government in achieving balanced regional development.

As part of our regular stakeholder engagement NBI recently commissioned research that revealed seven in ten regional dwellers believe high-speed broadband could lead to higher-paid work, more than half would consider seeking new employment as a result of having access to high-speed broadband and more than 80% believe the national broadband plan would have a positive impact, improving their quality of life, helping the local economy and helping local people to start their own businesses.

I hope the progress I have outlined today will give committee members confidence that the roll-out is gaining ground. Of course, we will continue to provide regular updates to the committee by way of the quarterly update process agreed at our session in January. Delivering the national broadband plan is a source of great pride for our team at NBI and the extensive number of contractors involved in the project. Not only is it ahead of its time at an EU level, it is paramount to the success of Ireland Inc. Mr. Malone and I are happy to take any questions committee members may have.


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