Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Architects of the Good Friday Agreement (Resumed): Mr. David Donoghue and Mr. Rory Montgomery

Ms Michelle Gildernew:

You do indeed, Chairman. I thank Mr. Donoghue and Mr. Montgomery for coming in to talk to us. They are both very welcome. I have been listening to their comments and I wish to ask a couple of questions. One of them - it might have been Mr. Montgomery, maybe in his opening remarks or shortly thereafter - talked about the Good Friday Agreement and who had voted for it. He said a very small minority of unionists voted for it. Given the demographics back in 1998, it would have had to have been a considerable number of unionists who voted for the Good Friday Agreement. It could not have been just nationalists who voted for it or-----


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