Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media

Working Conditions and Skills Shortages in Ireland’s Tourism and Hospitality Sector: Discussion

Mr. Paul Moynihan:

Yes, and I will reiterate what was said by Ms Kealy. A lack of staff affects towns and villages all over the country, not just urban centres. I know owner-operators who are crying out for staff. They must close their businesses on Mondays and Tuesdays not because there is no business but because they cannot get staff and as owner-operators they cannot do the work of, say, three people and can only do what they can. Earlier we also said that pubs must close down for a week in order give their staff a holiday.

During the pandemic, we were the longest-closed industry. There was a stop-start approach and the industry was supposed to open a few times but that did not happen. From a parent's perspective and looking at one's children entering the family business, they had to consider whether a pub can provide a future career for their children.

It is important for us to try to change that mentality. We have been back open for a period of time where people can now see it is vibrant again and there is a future in our trade. Both organisations, VFI and LVA, are trying to put apprenticeship and management courses forward to show parents there is a pathway to betterment in our business.

The Senator mentioned there is nothing better for a student than to work behind a bar or in a hotel or something like that to get the life skills that will bring them to amazing places, such as where the Senator has got to. It very much stands to people. I have son who was born and reared in a pub. I was born and reared in a pub. We are so sociable. We can talk. We have a head full of talk all the time. It will get a person a long way.

We are confident going forward but, as I said, the problems are now. This may all sort itself out in a year or two. However, this summer there will be many tourists coming in, while pubs throughout the country will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. That is not we want our tourists to see. I think tourism in 2019 was worth €9 billion to the economy. This year, we have to be very positive. Tourists have to have the experience of the Irish pub. They all come to see it. It has to be open, and it has to have efficient staff.


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