Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Priorities for the Greyhound Industry: Rásaíocht Con Éireann

Photo of Victor BoyhanVictor Boyhan (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I welcome our guests and the chief executive. I echo what some of the previous speakers said. I come to this as someone who is sceptical about the industry. I have consistently raised issues about State funding, including to the equestrian industry. I recognise that it is an industry, however. I read the submission today. It was clearly jumping off the pages that this is an organisation that had looked at itself, done a great deal of soul searching and confronted issues. That was clear in the style and the language of the report. I acknowledge that because it is very important. Ms O'Brien is right that a lot of it hinges on welfare. I recognise that it is an industry and a very profitable one. I recognise the positive fallout in terms of fund-raising and community engagement with the GAA. Who stands up here and talks negatively about the GAA? The potential and the synergies are enormous in sport.

There is substantial State funding involved. Every year the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine comes to both Houses of the Oireachtas and makes the case for it and every year we talk about whether we should divide this up, once and for all, and have two separate sources of funding. Perhaps there are good reasons for it not to change, but the Minister has not necessarily ruled it out for the future. That is something the witnesses need to keep an eye on. However, we have the same debates and at the end of the day they are all really about the issue of welfare. Ms O'Brien put her finger on it.

I refer to five key points contained in the written statement. First, it states that no healthy greyhound should have its life ended prematurely. That is a very positive statement. That jumped off the page at me, because that is not what the perception always is. I acknowledge that. Greyhound Racing Ireland is going to restore and build the image and perception of greyhound racing in this country armed with facts and the right welfare and care initiatives. Again, it is a very positive affirmation of its focus and intention, and that is important. Under the new system for registering greyhounds it refers to them being tracked at all stages from birth, including microchipping, racing career and so forth. That is really positive. Then there are the welfare inspections. Again, there is that recurring theme, and it is spot-on. Greyhound Racing Ireland has clearly identified that this is where the concern is. It is not always about the individuals in the organisation. Not everything we read about the individuals in the organisation is correct; neither is everything one reads about politicians always correct. I am conscious of that. This morning's newspaper is used to wrap tonight's chips, but behind that it can leave many people wounded and damaged reputations. That is a terrible thing to happen.

Perhaps the witnesses would discuss the greyhound care fund a little. There is also the statutory obligation to ring-fence that at 10%. Greyhound Racing Ireland has suggested it may go beyond that, which I am delighted to read and acknowledge.

Our guests referred to working on a five-year strategic plan. That is very positive and significant. Clearly, they must have an economic model because Greyhound Racing Ireland is a business enterprise. However, I return to what I said from the start. My major concern is about the welfare of animals and I recognise that Greyhound Racing Ireland is seeking to address that. It is an important matter. There is a lot of work to do and a lot of communication to be made to get that message across.

To return to the obligation relating to the State funding, what are the views of the witnesses? Do they think it should be broken up and that there should be a disconnect between horse racing and Greyhound Racing Ireland or do they think Greyhound Racing Ireland would be clever to stay with thestatus quoand that it works out better for Greyhound Racing Ireland? Do they have a comment or suggestion on that? Those are just a few thoughts. Perhaps the witnesses will respond to them.


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