Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Medical Bureau of Road Safety: Chairperson Designate

Dr. Declan Bedford:

The test is fine and our machines are regularly reviewed and updated. In fact, we are out to tender for some machines. They have to go through a vigorous accreditation prospect process first because the machines get better. In the laboratory, blood samples come in and when we find a blood sample where the blood alcohol level is less than 100, we test for drugs, including an array of drugs that are only coming on the market. As they are not known to anybody, they are not illegal.

At the moment, we are testing for drugs from a legal point of view, such as, as the Deputy mentioned, cannabis, cocaine, benzos and amphetamines. The interesting thing about benzodiazepines is, as I mentioned, one of them is Valium, which the Deputy might have heard of. People are prescribed that. People may wonder if they are stopped and have a legitimate prescription how they could be fined. People with a legitimate prescription who are taking the right dose are not breaking the law by the mere fact of a positive test. In that case, the issue is whether the person is fit to drive on the day. Gardaí have to make a decision as to whether the person is fit. If a person is not legitimately prescribed a drug, then there is an automatic penalty.


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