Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Empowering Local Government and Local Communities to Climate Action: Discussion

Mr. Brian O'Mahony:

The one-stop shop service was launched in February and five one-stop shops have been registered. There are a further 17 companies we are talking to that are at various stages in the registration process. There has been significant interest since the scheme was announced by the Government. If a person wants to carry out a deeper retrofit, there is a two-stage process. The first stage is doing an assessment. Approximately 150 homes are at that stage. The next stage is carrying out the retrofit works. A person has 12 months within which to complete that under the grant scheme. There are nearly 100 applications for that stage. The scheme is starting to ramp up in volume. We expect more one-stop shops to come on stream to meet the demand from homeowners in Ireland, which is very significant.

The 80% funding is offered for two measures. I presume the Deputy's question was in relation to attic and cavity wall insulation.


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