Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on International Surrogacy

Surrogacy in Ireland and in Irish and International Law: Discussion (Resumed)

Dr. Kirsty Horsey:

I will take the second question first - no, not really. Like the Chairman said, I do not think anywhere is perfect. There have been attempts to make things better or get closer to how it probably should be. Some of the aspects of the Law Commission's recommendations would improve the UK law. Similar things are happening in New Zealand and there are various discussions. I cannot think of anywhere that is perfect, however. The model of pre-birth operation that goes on in Greece is quite interesting but that has its flaws as well because so many people are excluded from the processes. Obviously, that is an entirely different system from the UK anyway so it does not map on. It is, therefore, hard to say where one jurisdiction would be anything like perfect compared to us. We probably have to aim to make our own law better to act to safeguard the children and families that are being created this way. Would Ms Gamble agree?


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