Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Future Funding of Higher Education: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Tim Horgan:

I might take that point. The institutes of technology sector was our baseline before TUs. We will not change when it comes to apprenticeships. We cannot do so because it is in the TU Act and it is part of our remit. I cannot speak for the further education sector but I work closely with it and from a TU perspective there are huge opportunities to work even more closely with the TU sector to evolve new apprenticeship models and meet the targets that have been set. As I mentioned previously, we must provide pathways through to a university qualification for students who are coming from the FE sector. The opportunities have been there in the past and we have worked with the TU sector. Some of our best students have come from that sector, which will not change. We have an opportunity to enhance that co-operation and co-development of new programmes and buildings and the sharing of those facilities.


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