Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Urban Regeneration: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Maria Graham:

All of the projects go to a project appraisal board around a set of criteria. They are around integrated urban development. Vacancy would not be particularly picked out at present but that will be a particular criteria when we move to the next round of funding, especially for towns, which will be later this year.

Some of them are of considerable scale, such as the Cork docklands, similar in Limerick, and very big projects in Dublin. It is entire regeneration. If you take the Waterford north quays, there is nothing there. There is the issue of moving the station. It is an entire regeneration and based, quite often, on large tracts of derelict sites or sites that need to be refurbished. They can be smaller in towns where CPO is involved.


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