Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Update on the Roll-out of the EU Digital Covid-19 Certificate

Mr. Derek Tierney:

No, I think Ms Canavan has covered it. The first advice to those wishing to travel is go to the Re-open EU website in order to understand and educate themselves on the rules that apply in destination countries. Ms Canavan is right; we are looking at the shape of the calls coming in every day. When a person rings the phone number, they are, depending on their query, prompted into a stream. We monitor the shape of those calls over the day. We readjust with extra resources. Today and yesterday, we have put in more agent support. As Ms Canavan stated, we have 150 different individual scripts for our call agents. They need support as well, so we have increased both our support to our call agent staff and overall numbers. Tomorrow, and in the coming weeks, we will add different channels to allow people to engage with the service and to meet their needs.


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