Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport And Media

Challenges Facing Arts Venues and Theatres as a result of Covid-19: Discussion

Ms Maureen Kennelly:

I just want to add that a number of significant studio groups went out of business after the previous crash. Therefore, there is a real need to develop strategic studio spaces, similar to the likes of the Fire Station Artists' Studios, which many members will be familiar with. That is the nature of the proposal that is with the Department. It would obviously not just be a Dublin thing. Four or five key centres have been identified. We want to work in partnership with the people on the ground. There is a need. Research has been done by Dublin City Council and by the Arts Council in terms of that need. There is a clear identified need there. Covid has thrown that into relief even more starkly.

On Creative Ireland, we work very closely with Creative Ireland. We deliver the creative schools programme. We are also working closely with Creative Ireland in terms of a new arrangement around health and arts and well-being. As we mentioned earlier, it is a very important area of work for us in the coming years. What Creative Ireland has done is to show the relevance of the arts across all areas of society. We look forward very much to that investment being continued. That is work we can continue. The Arts Council will be very well equipped to do so when the programme reaches a conclusion.


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