Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

General Scheme of the Electoral Reform Bill 2020: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. James Doorley:

The Senator mentioned the high numbers of ethnic minorities in different constituencies, such as in her area in the Dublin Central constituency. The local and European elections are coming up in three years' time. Some people may have the right to vote in general elections and-or referendums, but many may not. Therefore, there is a great opportunity in 2024 to allow people residing here, and who may not have Irish citizenship, to vote in local and European elections. The legislation as drafted gives the electoral commission the mandate to promote votes in referendums, but not the mandate to promote votes in elections. We think that may be a bit of a gap. We would love to see the electoral commission having a proactive role in encouraging people from different backgrounds, including those who may have language difficulties, and background to participate in the local elections and, if they are citizens of a European Union country, in the elections for the European Parliament. There could, therefore, be a role to be undertaken in that regard.

Turning to the electoral register, ensuring that it is accurate and up to date involves having a national register. Then we must invest more in that national register, because we do not do that now. It is starved of resources and the technical and human resources required will necessitate additional investment. I say that because we do not want to set up this body to fail in respect of it not having the resources to do what it is supposed to do.


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