Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Covid-19 Public Health Measures: Update from Health Service Executive

Photo of John LahartJohn Lahart (Dublin South West, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

Yes, it would be helpful if that breakdown could be supplied. There have been reports about the vaccination programme, and this process has been frustrating for everybody, with peaks and troughs. Mr. Reid will appreciate that several anticipated game changers to date have fallen short. The latest good news story relates to an anticipated game changer, namely, the Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine and its potential. There was an anticipated supply of about 50 million doses of that vaccine in the United States, but in the short term I think that figure has fallen to 10 million doses because of issues encountered by the subcontractor who produces the vials for the vaccine. It is not an issue with the production of the vaccine but with the production of the vials. The expectation being talked about now in the US is of 10 million doses being available in the short term. What news has there been from Johnson & Johnson? The European Medicines Agency, EMA, still has to approve this vaccine. The population accepts that from now until early or mid-April, there will be issues with supply that are beyond the control of the HSE. I think the public accepts that but from mid-April, there is an anticipation of what has been termed an "abundant" supply. How are things looking generally from the perspective of such abundance?


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