Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Pre-legislative Scrutiny of the General Scheme of the Employment Permits (Consolidation and Amendment) Bill 2019

Ms Fiona Ward:

They do fall under the remit of the Department but not under that of the general scheme. I would have to revert to the Deputy with information on that, if she wishes.

Regarding the remuneration thresholds, for the critical skills employment permit, which is our premium employment permit, €32,000 is the minimum remuneration threshold for a person with a degree. That permit is linked to our critical skills occupation list. This includes occupations we know are in short supply in the State. Regarding the other avenue to a critical skills employment permit, there is a remuneration threshold of €64,000. That is a proxy for a degree. For the general employment permit, the remuneration threshold is generally €30,000, but there are some other remuneration thresholds for specific occupations. For example, regarding contact centre staff the remuneration threshold pertaining to those with a non-EEA language is €27,000. For meat deboners, the remuneration threshold is €27,500. Regarding the agri-food pilot for meat-processing workers, horticulture workers and dairy farm assistants, the remuneration threshold is €22,000.


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