Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Friday, 22 January 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Customs Checks Post Brexit: Discussion

Mr. Eugene Drennan:

Yes, indeed. As the Deputy noted, we had a protest yesterday in Dublin and hauliers not too far from his area were in it. The level of problems is so high now that a number of them are shipping empty trailers back to Ireland from England to try to service the export volume but that cannot be sustained.

If something is not done and unless it is streamlined quickly, hauliers will go out of business. I am speaking about the system and not changing the rules.

There was massive stockpiling and we will see this disappear quickly. On the other side, Ornua is a major exporter of food from here and it has massive warehousing in the north of England. England will kick in its own rules and regulations in a couple of months' time. We have huge business with it and we do not want it to see us as being excessively cumbersome and burdensome. We still have to trade with the UK. We have to try to find some way to do it in as streamlined a way as possible. If the UK comes back and kicks us in the teeth, our exports will be in serious trouble, as will farming.

To get a feel for how it is out there, when anyone thinks about the supply line, we immediately think of the shop shelf but across the board in industry and services, people are having difficulty getting parts. There is not a garage in the country that is not short of parts or slow in getting in the parts. Every sector of haulage is affected, whether people have groupage, pallet or singular loads and whether it is parcel delivery or bulk delivery. It is evidently not working and it needs urgent immediate addressing. This is why I again call on Deputies to support me. We need an independent overviewer.

We are telling the Deputies all about different numbers and all about new systems that are all new to us. They are a necessity for the customs code. What has been said here about the customs code is that it is similar to dealing with outside EU countries, perhaps such as Hungary, Iran, Iraq or Russia. We have an agreement and it has to be matched into the customs union code. Singular loads should simply be transferred. The simplicity can be brought in, even to the customs union. I do not pretend to know absolutely anything about the big bible of the customs union but surely if there is an agreement, some of this can be simplified. We need action.


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